Named after Chanakya (also known as Vishnugupt), India’s most famous policy maker, Chanakya Niti Grameen Sansad (Chanakya Niti Rural Parliament) was launched with the aim of introducing the Youth Parliament culture to smaller towns and villages in a bid to decentralise policy-making and sensitizing the students towards social causes. Grameen Sansad is a platform to discuss and deliberate upon all such issues affecting the life of villagers. The participants not only get a chance to speak in front of their peers and seniors, they also get awareness about India’s democratic system.
Youth Parliament is a platform to develop democratic ethos in the youth, by giving them an insight into the working of our parliament. It is a recreation of the actual parliamentary proceedings that are in practice in our country, with students role-playing representatives of different political parties. The purpose is for students to achieve a greater understanding of the parliamentary proceedings and pressing national issues through an interactive and enjoyable educational experience. It is an attempt to engage students and encourage them to think creatively with an outlook to problem-solving that attracts many of the brightest minds in the country.
Our first phase of Grameen Sansads was launched in the village Uriyara near Kanpur, and Motihari in Bihar. The theme for 2018 Grameen Sansad was ‘seven key challenges faced by India as highlighted by Government of India’s initiative of ‘7 pledges for New India-Sankalp Se Siddhi’, whereas the 2019 edition discussed the ‘state of gender equality in India’.
Our aim is to connect with thousands of youth living in India’s villages and help them in contributing their bit towards nation building.
If you want to join this initiative, please write to